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5 years

My last post on this blog was 5 years ago. 5 WHOLE years. How do you sum up half a decade in one blog post? Like this Big A is 7 and in second grade. He fancies himself a potty talk comedian and is currently writing a book about dragons and PUKE. I am his scribe. Its my favorite thing to do in the evenings. He is also currently taking Taekwondo and gaining confidence that far surpasses his level of expertise. He is so observant and can now tell when I am being sarcastic, its the best. E is 5 years old and in kindergarten. She loves school and is my little artist. She is always drawing, cutting, creating, and making messes. Most days I wake up to find a masterpiece made just for me on my nightstand. She is in ballet and tap and has just started Taekwondo with her brothers. M is 3 and is affectionately known as meatball. He is charismatic and everything he says and does is funny. He has no idea he is smaller than the bigs and holds his own in any wrestling match. He is my barnacle
Recent posts

26 big ones

Today I am 26. Its hard to believe that I am closer to 30 than 20. Man do I feel old, ;) haha. I know I have said this before, but I truly have the most amazing friends. People always say to surround yourself with people you want to be like, and I have honestly found such a wonderful group of girls (women?? no girls, we are not our mothers!).  Seriously ladies, I thank God everyday that I have such an awesome support group. So thank you, for everything; today and everyday. I love you all. You know what else I love? Little flutters. About a week now, and I have been like maybe that was, maybe I am crazy, but today no mistaking it, tiny flutters. Amazing.

long overdue

First off, it has been a really long time. What can I say, I have been busy; or just lazy. Either way its been like two months. I have a love hate relationship with seeing homecoming pictures of my friends on facebook. On one hand I am soo happy their hubbies are home, and the pictures of daddies hugging babies brings a huge smile to my face. On the other (unfortunately much larger) hand I am so so sad because it is not me, and that is not my baby hugging his daddy. Selfish and horrible I know, but I cant help it. Almost half way...and the time drags on. You know what I hate? Well meaning people who say "oh well the time is just flying by! Hell be home before you know it!" Um yea, time flies for normal people. For us though, it drags. Like January is probably the longest month ever. So a tip for those well meaning people trying to make us lonely spouses feel better. NO NOT TELL US HOW FAST THE TIME IS GOING. Believe me, its dragging.

Let the count down begin

It feels like we just did it, and yet here it is again. So far so good, but he's only been gone a few days so I really don't deserve a pat on the back yet. Last time I was so sad that first week, like I would cry randomly, a lot. This time not so much. I don't know if it is because I am no longer a "boot" wife,  and I've been here before. I feel as used to the distance as one can in this situation.  Time will tell :) . The thing about it is, I will probably look back at this post in a few weeks and be like, what the *** was I thinking, this SUCKS haha but right now we are rockin' it. It probably helps that I got a facetime date with J. That was awesome, last time around we didn't the whole 7 months and this time around we did only a few days in, I hope that continues! :) Sometimes I think about how our life would be different if I worked too. I think about all the "things" we could have and wonder if I should; especially on days were andrew

A day with Drewby

I find I am forgetting to document what Andrew is up too, and that I am forgetting when he starting doing something new. So here I go documenting away; mom brain is a very real ailment! At your 15-month well baby you weighed 26.3 lbs and were 31.5 inches long. Your eyes are still blue, but getting more green/grey everyday. You have been waking up at about 5:30 despite me stretching bed time back an hour. I dont go get you till 630-7 though. We get up with the sun baby boy! So you might as well sleep! ;) Then we have a cuddle with some milk watching Mickey Mouse Club House. Your favorite part is the hot dog song.  You are starting to get picky about what you eat. You used to eat whatever I gave you, now there are things you wont eat at all. Silly babe :) Your favorite foods are cheese, milk, goldfish, turkey dogs, chicken nuggets, mandarin oranges, grapes,   animal crackers, jammy sammys, and fruit snacks. You refuse to eat pasta, sauce or no sauce you wont eat it anymore.

You know youre old when...

You think to yourself "wow, why are they texting me so late wanting to hang out!?" and its only 7:00. You spend a ridiculous amount of money on anti-wrinkle cream... You go to the grocery store needing to get five items...and forget two of them... Yup, definitely getting old. Also my baby is now a toddler...its like it happened overnight, I looked at him today and it hit baby, just a big boy in his place. :/ Joel has been gone a sucks. The mind is an amazing thing, I have forgotten how terrible this was the first time but now that it is happening again I remember, oh yea, this SUCKS. And its only the beginning. BAH!! At least this time around I get Drewby snuggles...those are the best. :)

Bump in the Road

My working out has been put on hold. Haven't been able to since last thurday and I already feel the lard building back up in my body. I went for a walk today and that helped a little but I really would like to get back  into it. I was given the go ahead for thursday and I really can't wait. One week off and it feels like I am starting from square one. Boo.  Being a military spouse surely has its negatives; but I have met some of the most wonderful people and made the best of friends. Joel is out of town and I don't know what I would do without the support I have from friends who feel a lot like family. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for everything.